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Life Cycle - According to Sanatan Dharma

The secret of the cycle of 84 lakh yonis in the will be shocked to know this One is born in a tree yoni 30 lakh times. This yoni is the most painful. Due to heat, storm, rain etc., many branches break. In the winters, all the leaves fall. People cut them with axes. After that, they are born 9 lakh times as aquatic creatures with a body without hands and feet and a head. They get to eat only rotten meat and survive by eating each other's flesh. After that, they are born 10 lakh times as worms. And then one is born in the bird form 11 lakh times. Trees are the only shelters. Leeches, insects, rotten food, whatever they get, they eat that to satisfy their hunger. They themselves stay hungry to feed their children and when their children learn to fly, they do not even look back. Crows and Shakunis are born with long lives. After that, one is born as an animal 20 lakh times, and there too one faces many kinds of sufferings. Animals that are bigger and more violent and stronger than one always keep tormenting one. Hiding in mountain caves due to fear. Killing and eating each other. Some survive by eating only grass. Some have to do difficult jobs like pulling ploughs, pulling carts etc. When there is illness, grief etc., one cannot say anything. One has to remain in urine and feces all the time. The body of a cow is considered to be the best and the last among all animal species. After that, a person is born as a human being 4 lakh times. First of all, he is born as a forest dweller, covered with deep ignorance, with animal-like food habits. After that, he is born as a hill tribe like Naga, Kuki, Santhal etc. After that, in a low caste family devoid of Vedic religion, committing sins and consuming lowly and forbidden things like alcohol etc. is paramount. After that, one is born in a Shudra clan. After that, one is born in a Vaishya clan, then a Kshatriya and finally a Brahmin clan. This birth is obtained only once. The one who is endowed with Brahma Gyan is a Brahmin. For his salvation, he becomes full of self-knowledge. If,,, one does not attain knowledge even in this rare birth then he again keeps roaming in the 84 lakhs of births. There is no other easy solution than surrendering to God. This human life is very rare. We have reached here only after travelling a very long journey. So make your human life meaningful, sing Harijas... Jai Sanatan Dharma
