I am 59 now. Have been investing for last 25-30 years, and have accumulated a corpus of close to 5 Cr. I want to retire next year. Will this corpus of 5 Cr be enough to sustain my expenses in retirement?
I have invested in commercial real estate 10 years ago, which gives me about 12 lakhs per year as rentals. My residential real estate earns me less than 3% so I do not even consider it as income. Rather I am just invested in real estate for capital gains in the long run. I pay about 22% tax on this income.
I have invested in IRBINVIT and PGINVIT that gives me about 12% annual dividends consistently. So my other 10 lakhs come from these dividends. I pay about 30% tax on this income. My other chunk of income comes from this investment.
I have invested in Gilt Fund (SBI Magnum) which has given me 9% annual returns in last 10 years or so. This is what I withdraw every 3 months as SWP. It was invested for more than 5 years before I started a SWP in it. So, I get lower LTCG Tax on it which amounts to less than 2% on the SWP amount. People are going to comment that there is a 20% LTCG on Bonds… I do SWP and the pro rata tax comes to about 2% of the total SWP amount. The calculation can be provided on request. This is what concludes my total Annual Income. Generally the total income exceeds my needs and hence I am happy to reinvest any savings I may have.
I pay about 15–18% of my total income as Income Tax after all the available deductions.
Now as my income part has been taken care of, I invest my money in different baskets as per my personal analysis with an objective of higher Capital Gains. I invest in multiple investment instruments like Gold, Silver, Equity, Debt and so on depending on various cycles and trends.
In order to keep myself occupied and busy for remaining days, I have kept a separate capital amount that I use to invest and trade in Stock and Commodity markets. Although my returns through Trading are quite less compared to my investments, I am happy to take extra money that I make doing trading in Stock Market as the objective is not to maximize the profit but to save the capital from undue risks.
Every 3–6 months, I check and rebalance my portfolio as needed and based on my personal experience and knowledge, I manage my investment portfolio myself and help others do it too.
So, while it is very important to have a consistent income after retirement, it is at the same time very important to stay healthy, busy and happy during the coming years. Anyone can tell you which mutual fund to invest in or you can check it yourself… but only a few will be able to tell you how be happy one you are retired. Hope the above helps you as it has been working for me for several years now.
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